The Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico is governed as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization administered by a Board of Trustees. Although the Board of Trustees cannot delegate its broad legal and fiduciary responsibilities, it does delegate responsibility for day-to-day operations to the Executive Director, who, in turn, delegates responsibilities to his executive team. The Executive Director is in charge of managing the Trust and accomplishing the goals and objectives set forth by the Board of Trustees. Additionally, an Advisory Council assists the Trustees and the Executive Director in their duties.
In response to the increasing challenges in environmental conservation and the growing complexity of Conservation Trust programs, the Trust instituted a management model aimed at increasing its performance capacity by establishing structured core teams, known as management modules. Each management module covers a critical function of the institution and integrates multiple staff from different divisions. Each module has a Division Director or Support Unit Manager as its leader. Management modules adhere to pre-scheduled meetings and operate with a clear agenda. This management system is designed to broaden participation of the Trust staff, including that of the Advisory Council and the Board of Trustees.
Board of Directors
- Roberto Serrallés
- Joaquín B. Viso, Chair
- Blas Fonalledas