Trump’s July 4 Charade Will Take $2.5 Million Away From National Parks Funds
President Donald Trump‘s “Salute to America” Fourth of July event will divert almost $2.5 million from national parks, two sources familiar with the situation told
Investors With Over $34 Trillion Demand Climate Crisis Action
Investors managing nearly half the world’s capital, more than $34 trillion in assets, demanded governments around the world take action to stop the impending global
Telemundo to stop airing signal via WORA-TV in Mayagüez by year’s end
Telemundo, one of Puerto Rico’s three main television stations, will stop retransmitting its signal through WORA-TV in Mayagüez before year’s end, this media outlet learned.
Mapping Ocean Wealth
The ocean represents an estimated $1.5 trillion in global value added, yearly. Economies globally depend on a healthy ocean— from large-scale fisheries to subsistence fishermen;
How much plastic do you consume every day?
Microplastics aren’t on the USDA’s food pyramid, but maybe they should be. We’re certainly consuming enough of them to merit a mention. Research led by
Scientists start the clock on human impact
Though it’s clear we’re currently living in it, scientists have long debated when the Anthropocene, the epoch of human dominance over the planet, first began.
Why we need more ‘super corals’
The news about the world’s coral reefs has been bleak. As climate change warms the oceans and makes the water more acidic, coral reefs are
Scientists Create First Ever Map of ‘Wood Wide Web’
The paper, published in Nature Thursday, draws on a database of more than 1.1 million forest inventory plots including more than 28,000 species of trees
How Trees Can Save Lakes From Algae Blooms
Every city needs its trees. They reduce air pollution. They cut down on wind. They absorb and store carbon in their massive trunks. In summer,
Plastic Pollution Harms Ocean Bacteria That Produce 10 Percent of Earth’s Oxygen
It’s well known that ocean plastics harm marine life, but could the eight million metric tons of plastic that enters the seas each year also
Insects Must Be Saved to Prevent Collapse of Humanity, Top Scientist Warns
A leading scientist warned Tuesday that the rapid decline of insects around the world poses an existential threat to humanity and action must be taken