Through the after-school program, PLN worked with six Montessori schools from the Instituto Nueva Escuela (INE) by creating four school gardens/orchards and two butterfly farms. As a result of the project’s significant impact on the thousands of students, teachers, and families from the six schools, INE has decided to establish a permanent project that will expand its reach to 14 additional Montessori schools under their program.
Thanks to renewed funding from the National Recreation Foundation, INE and PLN are expanding its reach from the initial six schools to twenty model schools for the 2021-2022 academic year. The curriculum will be enhanced to include the following projects: botanical gardens, school gardens/orchards, butterfly gardens, tree nurseries, home and/or community gardens and domes for outdoor classes.
Our desired outcome is for our students to develop a lifelong connection to the outdoors and transform our youth participants into knowledgeable, passionate, ambassadors for nature and conservation. The National Recreation Foundation is a meaningful partnership because they are dedicated to enhancing the role of recreation as a positive force in improving the quality of life of youth. They have an accomplished history of investing in recreation programs serving those who are economically, physically or mentally disadvantaged.