Thanks to the support of donors, Para la Naturaleza created an agroecology unit and expanded our support to agroecological farmers by providing grants to boost local production. Today, our full-time Agroecology Coordinator works directly and supports over 150 agroecological farmers on over 1,500 acres.
During the pandemic, we offered more than 183 hours of workshops to over 500 farmers. We conducted 28 workshops on organic farming, permaculture, and food preservation to the community. We also distributed more than 4,500 fruit trees and 11 tons of compost to 110 farmers. Demonstration gardens for food production are now part of our visitor centers, our community partners and Montessori school program.
Agroecology strengthens the sustainability of all components of the food system, from the soil to the seed, to the table, while promoting economic viability and social equity. In addition, there is growing evidence that agroecological farming systems keep carbon in the ground, support biodiversity, rebuild soils, and sustain yields, providing a basis for secure livelihoods – critical in Puerto Rico.
We invite you to join the agroecological farming movement with a donation to Para la Naturaleza.
Support agroecology in Puerto Rico.